Gemini New Moon- Of Hearts and Visions
On the New Moon conjunct Venus, White Buffalo and the Sacred Rites of Passage
Art- AAA Native American Arts
The New Moon in Gemini occurs June 6th 2024 at 5:37pm bringing resets around story, mind and songs. As the doubling principle of twins implies, Gemini is known for its ability to replicate that which it sees. It is the mastery of imagery and word through the double parts of our bodies- the eyes, hands, lungs and the two hemispheres of the brain. It crafts and cultivates mind magic like no other and it requires some level of mental mastery to accomplish. This lunation is a release point for old stories that have seen their day.
Take this as an opportunity to surrender stories you have adopted that are replicating negative effects in your life. Offering them in ceremony or written intention. Seed a new song that you want to see replicated in your life- be that through abundance, joy, playfulness or connection as Gemini holds the secrets of mental manifestation. With Jupiter now present in Gemini until next June we are activating the power of sacred word, thought, connection and replication. According to ancient teachings, when we activate coherence of mind and heart focused upon a singular intention, it replicates in our outer world.
This New Moon is extra fortuitous as it is conjunct Venus where she is currently on the far side of the Sun. This phase in her cycle represents the graduation of the goddess in her heroine’s journey out of the underworld and into the light. She will rise as an evening star depending on your latitude on Earth around July 10th in Tropical Cancer. Her evening star phase is said to be when she is in her Earthly feminine expression as the lover, mother, keeper of the tribe and nurturer of her people and their culture. Look for her along the Western horizon and give thanks, this is a part in her 584 day cycle that all of our ancestors held with great significance, from the Maya to Babylon.
In the story of Innnana, which corresponds to Venus’ perfect cycle, this is the part of her journey when she completes her Shamanic initiation of traveling to the underworld to face her unclaimed parts. There are parts of ourselves and our journey that we all avoid facing, that lurk in the shadows until we are ready to see them for something more innocent than what we thought they were, and we reclaim them once again, restoring ourselves to wholeness of being and our true power.
This Venus cycle began in Leo on August 13th 2023, when she had her interior conjunction with the Sun during her retrograde. Feel back into where you were at that time. What themes were alive in your love life, finances, personal possessions and how those relate to the Leo themes of self-love, leadership, fearlessly shining your light into the world and being in your creative power. We all desire to be seen. We all desire to contribute something incredible to the great stream of life. We all have the power of creation within us. And we all have blocks around doing this, either of overcoming fear, or learning that we do not have to perform to receive the love that we truly are. Wherever you are at now, it is a critical turning point for how you embody your Divine Feminine and activate her gifts of beauty, love, connection, value and abundance.
Personally, I see the Divine Feminine rising all around me. In men, in women, in others, in all of life. The profound desire to nurture and protect that which we hold with great value, reverence, love and preciousness is growing. The desire to support the creation of endeavors that feed life, nourish community and the Earth is bubbling up all around me. Venus’s exterior conjunction with the Sun in Gemini alongside a New Moon sets us up for a culmination moment signifying our stories as the crux point of the feminine rebirth. It asks that we share our thoughts, experiences and perceptions with others to check for their validity and to bolster them through the power of replicated mind magic.
I recently visited Giant Rock and Crystal Hill in Joshua Tree National Park where I received a vision from White Buffalo Calf Woman, a revered teacher and guide of the Lakota First Nations people. She was said to come from the stars to remind them of their sacred ceremonies that proffer peace and beauty in the world. She gave the Sioux the peace pipe and taught them how to pray with the proper words and gestures. She gave them the 7 sacred rites that were to be honored to walk in a good way. By following her guidance she said, their people would experience abundance, peace and harmony in their lives. In my own vision, she came with white wings and many birds around her. She told me of how the time for the goddess to rise was here again, and thanked us for gathering to honor the land and sacred site as she had once taught.
After leaving her teachings it is said that White Buffalo Calf Woman transformed into a calf, laid down 3 times and changed from black, brown, red and finally white. The legend of the White Buffalo states that when the white buffalo is born again it signals that their prophecies of peace and abundance are being fulfilled. The Native Peoples of the United States have many prophecies that are strikingly accurate, and I have heard in recent news that the White Buffalo was born in Texas on April 22nd, shortly after the Total Aries Solar Eclipse, visible in its totality in that part of the planet. See article here. There was much prophecy surrounding that eclipse, as you may have heard. Regardless of what we might think of prophecy with our Western trained minds, eclipses have long been associated with times of great prophecy and meaning for humanity. They live in our genetic code as harbingers of profundity.
Eclipses are not rare, occurring 4-5 times per year. But a total solar eclipse with visibility over the symbolic state of power, the US, is a greater symbol for what it represents to our collective mind as a species. The teachings of White Buffalo Calf Woman span the coding of all humanity in the varied rites observed by spiritual lineages the world over. She brought to humanity the teachings of how to pray, how to unite family and tribe, how to seek vision, how to unite in marriage, how to purify, how to name, how to birth and how to honor those crossing beyond life. These 7 sacred acts (a Saturn number, the planet that rules material limitations) of being human are indispensable parts of our journey in life. Her teachings remind us to engage with them as sacred rites of passage, as embodied prayer and power to affect the nature of reality.
Under this lunation conjunct the goddess Venus as she rises from her initiation journey may we remember to honor the Sacred Feminine- the Mother, Mater, Material part of our existence as the vehicle for our Masculine, spiritual experience. Life is full of moments that can become great initiations on our path to awakening. The difference between a challenge and an initiation is the intention with which we engage. Christ is said to have spoken when he was upon the cross when asked why the prayers of his fellow crucifees did not save them- “it is not that you did not pray, but that you did not know how to pray.” The Goddess speaks now to the power of the Gemini mysteries in her rising- the power of bringing coherence into our minds and hearts and to speak our words with the full feeling of heart and vision united.
One of Gemini's potential fallacies is irreverence, as it plays and inquires through the seemingly endless possibilities of this life. We are reminded through this lunation that gemini can be just as intentional as any other archetype. That in fact, that may be the most sacred function of the mind. Being the sign that names things I am particularly drawn to the naming ceremony left by White Buffalo Calf Woman. What we name a thing casts vibrational frequency onto it. Likewise, when we can name a thing we can command it, as is taught in the Hermetic Traditions of Magic and Alchemy.
This is the perfect moon to embrace a new mind, perspective and sacredness with how we think, speak, connect, honor, pray and sing. The world needs our courage to shine and create now more than ever. The more things crumble, the more energy is released to birth the new. The Heavens provide the guiding mirror-light, reflecting to us clues of what energy portals are most charged for activation and transmutation. The recent influx of solar flares is more profound than ever, the fulfilling of another prophecy for a later time.
Blessed Uniting,
Zoey Wind